A Practical Checklist for Evaluating the Efficacy & Safety of AI Education Tools

Welcome to the DOMS™️ AI Education Tools Evaluation Framework, which I designed to help both teachers and ed tech companies assess the quality, value and risks of using AI tools in educational settings.

The purpose of the framework is to provide a standardised method of comparison between AI technologies by providing a set of criteria to evaluate AI tools across seven dimensions:

🎓 Pedagogical Quality

😇 Reliability & Ethics

⛔️ Data Privacy & Security

🚪Accessibility & Inclusion

📈Scalability & Adaptability

🧱Ease of Integration


By using this rubric, we can make informed decisions as educators about the AI tools we adopt in our classrooms.

Disclaimer: This framework is a work in progress and represents my own effort to create a useful tool for me and my community. It is not an official guide, and feedback is always welcome to improve its effectiveness!

Happy experimenting, Phil 👋

The DOMS™️ AI-Ed Evaluation Rubric